
Home > years_3_6

PRESCHOOLER  (3 - 6 Years)

Abilities and interests



• runs, jumps, climbs, balances with assurance
 -by 5, gross motor skills are well developed.
• likes risks, tests of physical strength and skill - loves acrobatics and outdoor equipment
• increasing finger control - can pick up small objects, cut on a line with scissors, hold pencil in adult grasp, string small beads. (Most children in this age group can begin using toys with smaller components. If child is still mouthing objects,select toys without small parts.)
• expert builder - loves small construction materials and also vigorous activity with big blocks, large construction materials
• by 5, rudimentary interest in ball games with simple rules and scoring.


Preschoolers prefer toys with realistic detail and working parts
Increasing interest in dramatic and pretend play, by age 5, peak period for dramatic play, with all sorts of props
Period of peak interest in puppet play
Increasing construction activity, often with plan or goal.
Period of peak interest in play scenes, small figures and cars.
Most children in this age group can begin using toys with smaller components. If child is still mouthing objects. select toys without small parts